Pathology Report Distribution

If you are a pathology group or laboratory, how do your referring physicians want to receive report information? Fax? Web Portal? EMR interface?The answer is something along the lines of…”the way they ask for it, when they ask for it!”  Right?  To compete against the mega, commercial labs, pathology report distribution flexibility is essential.  Not only is it…

Pathagility in CAP Lab-Provider Link article

We are pleased to be one of the vendors to participate in the April 2011 CAP Today article called “Lab-link vendors – on a mission with ‘mobile’ and more.”  Pathagility competes in the Lab-Provider Links market with our ReportPath product.  We appreciate CAP Today for allowing us to participate in multiple product market categories and related articles. Here is…

Is an interface necessary to meet the electronic results requirement?

We received a call from one of our lab customers requesting a results only interface for one of their referring physicians.  The referring physician has sent only a small volume of cases to the lab, and the cost from the EMR vendor alone would make the cost of an interface unjustifiable.  The referring physician group…

Middleware for smaller labs

In the March issue of CAP Today, Karen L. Wagner did an article on the changing middleware landscape called Middleware to “littleware”: vendors catering to smaller labs.  She notes three main forces behind the changes in this market in the past two years… 1.  ARRA 2.  Increased EHR adoption 3.  Middleware vendors start catering to smaller/physician…

Key to Lab EMR Interface Projects

Last week I attended a formal, non-Pathagility  related event where we were seated randomly with individuals with varying backgrounds.  Among the group at my table was an investment broker, a restaurant chain owner, a non-profit director, and clinician at a pediatric practice.   The clinician (Kathy – for the sake of this post) and I were seated next to one another, and after discussing…

USCAP recap

Fantastic weather welcomed pathologists from all over the world to San Antonio for the 100th annual USCAP meeting this week.  Posters and abstracts by thought leaders and new comers alike accompanied innovations in industry technologies in an impressive trade show experience.  We enjoyed connecting with old friends and meeting new ones, discussing how Pathagility’s SaaS…