Rapid software updates

If you are a pathology group or any healthcare provider group for that matter, how would you rate the effectiveness of your software vendor on needed updates?  Are you seeing quick turnarounds (days or weeks) on needed functionality changes or is it more of a six month to a year version roll-out scenario?  What impact…

Social Labs

As a follow up to our recent post, Social Media in Pathology – Game Changer, check out this recent article from CAP Today entitled Social media in labs-hook, line, and sinker.  In it, Peggy McKee, owner and senior recruiter of PHC Consulting, gives her take on the lack of social media usage in the laboratory…

Meaningful Use Objectives for Pathologists

As mentioned in our recent post, Meaningful Use and Pathology Labs, we stated we would start forwarding on information regarding the affects of Meaningful Use (MU) on pathologists.  Check out this CAP article called Experts Detail Meaningful Use Challenges, Opportunities for Pathologists.  In it they talk about the demand for interfaces and they list 8 objectives…

Lab-to-EMR Interfacing – It’s a Business Decision

It is no secret that pathology groups are fielding calls from their referring physicians, hospitals, and healthcare partners to build EMR interfaces.  Check out our previous post Impact of EMR adoption on the Pathology Lab.  The first impact that we noted in that post is labs must spend $ on LIS-to-EMR interfacing.  We also note that this…

Social Media in Pathology – Game Changer

Came across this editorial from the Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine by … yes…scrolling through Twitter and seeing a Tweet from @VTPathology.  The editorial by Dr. Eric F. Glassy is called The Rise of the Social Pathologist: The Importance of Social Media to Pathology.  It gives a great account of how Twitter, Facebook, YouTube…

The Clinical Lab and EHR Meaningful Use – Course Material

CAP  is offering a course to pathologists that are interested in learning about the impacts of recent federal policies on clinical laboratories – The Clinical Laboratory and Meaningful Use of EHR (SAM eligible).  Following are the objectives of the course: 1. Describe the benefits and importance of EHRs to pathologists and patients 2. Describe related…

BPMG Goes Live w/ Pathagility’s ReportPath

We are pleased to announce that Bakersfield Pathology Medical Group is utilizing Pathagility‘s ReportPath product with its AP Easy Lab System.  ReportPath is providing BPMG a secure, marketable way to provide an online lab reporting and collaboration environment for its referring physicians without having to replace its current lab system.  Check out our previous post, Save your Lab’s Brand 2, on the…

DICOM in Pathology

In August, Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) Standard Supplement 145 (aka – Whole Slide Microscopic Images) was passed.  This standard aims to allow pathologists to retrieve and manage whole-slide images and associated information from any digital imaging system, regardless of the manufacturer.  This will have considerable impact on pathologists and system vendors over time.   Check…

Physicians Moving Away From Private Practice

There appears to be a national trend of physicians moving away from private practice and into salaried positions at large health systems.  What role does Heath Care Reform play in this trend? Check out this recent Arkansas Business article Health Care Reform, Other Factors Drive Doctors Away from Private Practice.  It describes this trend from…

HL7, Labs and Meaningful Use

Came across this CAP Today Newsbyte that provides some detail on HL7 standards that will be part of the federal government’s final rule on standards and certification under the ARRA Act of 2009.  Below is a link to the Newsbyte and an excerpt…  HL7 standards and guides in federal meaningful use rule Health Level Seven International, a…