3 Methods for electronic ordering

As the adoption of electronic health records (EHR) continues to increase, so does the need to connect lab systems to EMR software.  Interfaces are usually one-way, or uni-directional, enabling a referring physician system to receive results from the laboratory.  But the next wave to hit involves the use of a bi-directional interface where referring physician’s…

UNC Casestudy

Check out this case study on Pathagility becoming University of North Carolina (UNC) Nephropathology’s digital interface to their physician clients.  UNC was able to enhance their existing lab system investment and configure a solution for their specific needs  by taking advantage of Pathagility’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) cost effective model. Casestudy_UNC (PDF)

ConnectPath: Health-care partner collaboration

Communication and collaboration is at the heart of Pathagility’s next-generation web-portal. In an increasingly collaborative healthcare environment, the need to seamlessly share data, insights, and information is critical. Our collaboration tools create a secure conduit between pathology labs and their clients. By leveraging the tools built into Pathagility, labs can take control of managing communications…

Leverage existing LIS/EMR investments

Being able to leverage existing system investments is of paramount importance to many pathology labs due to the significant, sunk costs that they have already incurred implementing their existing systems.  Pathagility enhances the capabilities and reach of existing healthcare management systems, and in many cases, can extend the lifespan of current technology investments, such as…