You don’t have to look very far to find information, blog posts, tweets, etc. on EHR/EMR Meaningful Use (MU).  It seems a bit more difficult to find information on how this is affecting Pathology Labs.  We thought it might be helpful to start passing on information we come across on this topic.  Here is a link to start with…

CAP article –  Meaningful Use Update: HHS Names Initial EHR Certification Bodies

A quick excerpt…

“For pathologists, eligibility concerns continue to be paramount, as detailed in recent issues in Statline. But moving beyond eligibility, pathology informatics leaders are focusing on what demands the current and future stages of the meaningful use rule are going to present for laboratory information management.”

As we see other sources of information on this topic, we will pass along.  Do you know of other good sources?  If so, please share them with us and we will include.